Light and Thoughts

Photography is an enigma to be solved, an invitation to interpretation, an open work that is completed in the eyes of the observer. A photograph can evoke memories, stimulate reflections, it can be a historical document, a social testimony, or more simply an artistic expression. But above all, photography is an act of memory, a way to preserve the past and give shape to emotions that will fade with time. Every photograph is a silent dialogue between ourselves and the other, it is an investigation into the nature of perception, the relationship between the object and the subject, the dialectic between being and appearing, it invites us to reflect on the nature of reality, on its fragmentation and on hidden truths, it is an art of silence, a way to communicate without words, to express the ineffable, to give voice to the unspeakable. But it is also an art of noise, a way to disturb the quiet, to interrupt the continuous, to give rhythm to silence. Photography invites us to reflect on the nature of silence, on its power, on its ability to communicate.